
Doctoral Dissertation:

Moses, J. R. (2018). “Outsourced Food Service Operations and the Impact on the Army's Expeditionary Capability: A Qualitative Case Study”.  Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. Committee: Deanne Otto, PhD (Chair); Melanie Shaw, PhD, (Committee Member). This study examined the phenomenon of outsourcing and the subsequent impact on the Army logistics workforce’s ability to execute 3 of the 4 components of Decisive Action (Offensive, Defensive, Stability Support) necessary to conduct Unified Land Operations (the Army Operating Concept), in support of current and future expeditionary missions across Multi-Domain Operational environments; from the New Public Management (NPM – Public Administration), Organizational Learning (OL), Organizational Knowledge Creation (OKC), and Symbolic Interactionism (SI) theoretical perspectives.

Moses, J. R., Otto, D., (2025 expected completion). “The Role of a Professional Logistics Force in Security Cooperation and Defense Institutions: BE, KNOW, DO.”